Building Courage and Strength in Kids and Teens

" If a child can do advanced math speak 3 languages, or receive top grades, but can't manage their emotions, practice conflict resolution, or handle stress, none of that other stuff is really going to matter."

- Mark Brackett,

Psychologist and the Founding Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

How does it work

  • Emotional Support for the students

  • A safe space for the students to explore their feelings and thoughts

  • Seek professional help from our trained and experienced counsellors

  • Reach their true potential

  • Overcome grief, sadness and other related emotional difficulties

  • Understand the impact of their actions and work on realligning their behaviours

  • Learn new skills for building safe social relationships

  • Develop the sense of ownership of their work

  • Develop skills of Resilence

Conditions and behaviors child therapists can treat

Child therapists are trained to treat many of the same conditions that adults see therapists for. They are also uniquely positioned to address issues specific to children and teens. Conditions and behaviors child therapists treat include:

Frequently asked questions

What to expect during a child’s therapy session-

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The tools your child’s therapist uses will vary, based on your child’s age and the type of therapy being used. In some instances, they may wish to include you in some sessions. This is beneficial for you as well as your child since the therapist can coach you in your interactions with each other.

A good therapist asks questions and listens to the answers. They may encourage your child to talk about what’s bothering them. They may also place strong focus on praising your child, to validate their feelings and build up self-esteem.

In some instances, your child’s therapist may suggest activities to do between sessions, such as keeping a journal, or drawing.

Some therapists, such as cognitive behavioral therapists, may work with your child to master coping skills such as mindfulness meditation or deep breathing. These are beneficial for helping your child feel and stay calm.

How long will a child need therapy for? +
What type of therapy works best?+
How to choose?+
How do I know if my toddler needs therapy?+
Can parents be involved in treatment?+
Can a minor sign up without parental consent?+
Is the information shared confidential? +
Is online counseling right for all kids?+